Q: Am i required to stream a certain amount of hours/days during Jankuary week?
A: Not at all! You can stream as little or as much as you want, however you can only request one featured time slot during the event.
Q: What is the time zone for the Jankuary schedule?
A: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Q: What does it mean to have a 1-hour slot on the Jankuary.com schedule when i submit my time?
A: We want you to stream for as many days and hours as you want, with as many janky games as you want. In order to get as many awesome streamers involved and viewers able to check everyone out, we are asking you to select a 1-hour slot and 1 game that we will feature on Jankuary.com so that viewers know who to check out!"
Q: I'm a small streamer. Do I need to have a certain number of viewers or followers to participate?
A: No! Jankuary is open to everyone, with the only requirement being a willingness to have fun playing hilariously crappy retro games live.
Q: Do I have to stream retro games specifically? What IS retro, anyway?
A: While "retro" can be pretty subjective, we prefer pre-2006 video game generations unless the game is a new game designed in a retro style. We also recommend that you stream in the "Retro" Twitch category during the event.
Q: Do I have to raid fellow Jankuary streamers at the end of my stream(s)?
A: No! In fact we encourage you to spread the word of awful video games far and wide. Raid whoever you want!
Q: What if I have to cancel my stream?
A: Not a problem! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we'll take care of it.
Q: How do I know if the game I want to play is bad enough to be worthy of JANKUARY?
A: It's completely up to you to decide what you think is truly horrible and why, and the inevitable on-stream discussion surrounding that is what makes this event fun.
Q: Why are you doing this? Who wants to play or watch bad games?
A: Like terrible movies, bad games have a certain magic in them, and it's entertaining to figure out why they're bad. And who knows? You may even find that a bad game is actually good!
Q: Is there a deadline for Jankuary submissions?
A: All submissions must be received by January 13th.