Welcome to JANKUARY, a brand new Retro Twitch community event where a bunch of streamers will play the jankiest, worst-designed, awkwardest, most unplayably bad video games they can find across a variety of genres, platforms, and systems for an entire week.
This event is not for charity, it does not serve any sort of purpose, nor does it seek to accomplish any goals.
That no doubt begs the question: Why would we subject ourselves to this kind of suffering? For your entertainment, of course! And because we might be slightly masochistic.
Jankuary 2025 is spearheaded by Retro Twitch streamers Zophar1, CobraCommanda, and Neon_Arcade, and we welcome all streamers who wish to participate!
Jankuary has begun and you can watch from either the front page, or by clicking here.